Sunday, August 22, 2010

SHARDS has launched!

This is a blog addressing commercials and their advertising tactics but I want to pose my own commercial here. Yes, gratuitous self-pimping:) Here we go!

Welcome to the long-awaited release of Shards, my webcomic. What's it about? The brothers Grimm accidentally broke the magic mirror and Mother Goose has gathered a band of fairy tale heroes to get back the shards. Stories modern and ancient collide in Shards: Grimm fairy tales are back.

Please check it out and I hope you like it:)

Shards Webcomic

Sunday, August 15, 2010


LOL, yes, lots of exclamation points and question marks. Sorry for the delay of Ad Vices posts but my webcomic, Shards, is almost ready to launch; within the week even!; and I have had to devote a lot of time to polishing some stuff to be extra shiny and ready to go! That, and doing more comic strips to give me some lee-way, and redoing others that looked shabby from when I first started. So, more to come, but never fear. Ad Vices is not gone!